Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Floorball Fun

Grades: 4 - 7

Dates: November 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21

Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Cost: $195

Location: UAF SRC, 1910 Tanana Loop, Fairbanks

Floorball is an indoor, non-contact version of hockey that requires no protective equipment and can be played co-ed for all ages. Lead-up skills include puck handling, carrying the puck, passing, shooting and offensive/defensive skills.

You can email us with any questions about the course at

Instructor: Kayla Clark

A bit about your instructor: Kayla taught K - 8 physical education for the Fairbanks Northstar Borough School District for her 26 year career.  She earned a Bachelors in PE/Health from Northwestern College of Iowa, and a Masters in Exercise Sport Science from UW-LaCrosse.  She loves sharing her passion for motivating life-long movers and strives to be active in as many pursuits as possible in her own free time.  Some of her favorites are scuba diving, hockey, pickleball, biking, running, skiing and swimming.