Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on the front page

Baking Bash

Date: November 1 (one day only)  ***This is a FNSBSD No-School Day!***

        Grades 2 - 3: Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (waitlist only!)
        Grades 4 - 6: Friday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (waitlist only!)

Cost: $60

Location: Hutchison Kitchen, Hutchison High School, Fairbanks

Join Chef Sean in the bakery to make delicious treats with baking buddies. Learn how to work cleanly and safely while being introduced to skills that will set you on a journey to baking success.

You can email us with any questions about the course at

Instructor: Sean Walklin

A bit about your instructor: Chef Sean is the lead chef and program coordinator for the University of Alaska Fairbanks CTC Culinary Arts Program. Sean enjoys traveling and cooking at home with his wife and two children. Sean grew up in Fairbanks and received his culinary training in Florence, Italy.