Try these options to go with public school schedules:

Please note the enrollment and cancellation policies listed on this page.

365 SMART Academy:
Science, Math, Art, Recreation, and Technology 

UAF Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning created the 365 SMART Academy, which provides in-person enrichment courses for K-12 students to supplement their academic curriculum. 

Courses will take place either on the UAF Campus or at one of our local homeschool partner locations in Fairbanks. 

Enrollment and Cancellations:



Scholarships are available!

Scholarships for 365 SMART Academy are available for homeschool-unaffiliated students who qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch. If you are unsure if your family qualifies, check with your school.

*Please note* You will need to provide additional information with the scholarship application. Full scholarship instructions are on our website at this page. Please read the application instructions carefully. If you have any questions, call us at (907) 474-7021 or email We want your child to have the opportunity to learn and have fun!

For more information about courses or for assistance with registration, contact:

UAF Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning  /  907-474-7021  /